A tragic incident occurred during a family’s first holiday abroad, resulting in the death of a five-year-old boy who fell into a swimming pool. Kelan Logan-Derench, from Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, was on vacation in Egypt with his mother, older sister, and grandmother when the unfortunate incident occurred.

Having arrived in Egypt on Friday, just a day later, Kelan tragically lost his life after entering the water. Kelan, a pupil at New Hall Primary School, was affectionately described as a ‘cheeky, mischievous, happy little boy’ by a family friend.

A fundraising initiative, initiated by Serena Whitehead, who is close to Kelan’s mum Ciara, aims to raise funds to bring Kelan back home and provide him with ‘the funeral he deserves.’

Serena stated that the family is ‘absolutely broken’ by this heartbreaking event. Kelan was anticipating becoming a big brother in February next year.

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